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29th March 2022


What is nature? 


What is nature? Such a simple but great question.


We made a comment to the kids how mother nature was making the wind go crazy. Noah asked, “what is nature Mum?”. To be honest I assumed he knew what it was. And we lived in the mountains, so he was still out in nature often enough.


So, what is nature?  We explained how it was all around us, the wind, rain, sun, ocean, rocks, sand, grass, animals, the list went on. Now he can confidently explain what nature is.


But as we have noticed in the trip, he is experiencing nature now like never before.


Learning about sea life, how Australia is an island, what the coast is, the variety of elements of land from red dirt to sand to rocks.


This is easy to experience when travelling so I’m thinking, how do you incorporate this learning into Early Childhood Education? If you have a service that is surrounded by bush or has beach kinder, then this will come easier. But what if your service has limited options.


You may have resources such as a sand pit, water play, vegetable garden, but how are they really understanding the concept of it? This is where educator led experiences and play is so important.


Group times and research is vital. Using visuals, pictures, maps, books, and technology is where the extended information will drive the understanding, then bringing in the elements, rocks, red dirt, mud, sand in one tray, seeing the different textures, talking about where in Australia you find these places. Show the links. But it is always important to set the elements and let the children explore and investigate, open ended play, answering questions when asked.


Then it could be as simple as how wet sand is different to dry sand, how rocks can be used as a drawing tool, if you have rocks, look under them, is there worms, or bugs? Having access to logs, sticks and bark. And one of the simplest ways to understand all elements of nature is growing something, flowers, or herbs, make it easy. There are many elements of nature that we need to understand when trying to help a flower grow and stay alive. Water but not too much, sun, dirt, consistent love, and care.


But what are the benefits of nature play?


Not only does it create an understanding of how we are all connected to this world, but it enhances sensory skills, builds creativity, cognitive development, problem solving, thinking, imagination, gross motor skills, hand eye coordination, understanding our home and why each element of life is so important.


There is no better play resource than nature.


Jen x



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Left: Noah watching a sunrise coming over the water, understanding it is different in different parts of Australia. He got up excited each day to watch the sun come up. 


Right: Elle and Noah standing on a salt lake, Noah even tasted it! 

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Elle exploring different sized rocks, hearing the sounds they make, tryin to break them open using other rocks, stacking them up on top of each other and drawing with them. Many ways to explore rocks. All child led! 

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